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July so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: Dave

Member#: 15
Registered: 29-07-2002
Diary Entries: 126

Mood: Hey Ho
29th June 2003
Windsurfing: Ynyslas Estuary
Wind Direction: NE
Wind Stength: Force 5-6
Surf / Sea State: Flat
Air Temperature: 16
Sea Temperature: 15
Weather: Sunny Spells
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

Got the call from Al at 6:45 am, so we got up and had breakfast. Got to the beach at 7:30. Al was already out and Steve was just about to launch.
It was blowing so we rigged a 5.7 for me and a 5.0 for Sarah. I went out on my Bic, and was planing on every reach. It was so strong that I was just getting off at each end. There were a lot of people out.
We were blasting up and down for ages and having a great time.
I started doing a few gybe attempts and thus a lot of waterstart practice.
Eventually the wind dropped a bit, and the Bic was becoming a bit difficult, so I changed to my Phoenix and went back out. Being a bit more comfortable, I tried a few more gybes.
At 11:45 Al and Steve went off to have a Big Breakfast. We were having such fun that we went back out and did loads of gybe practice. There were a lot of kites out, only Sarah, I and AndyW were still sailing. Plus a guy who came over from Aberdyfi.
We kept going even though it was now marginal.
Then the wind picked up again. The kites all went in to change down and we had the water to ourselves.
At about 12:15 we were completely knackered, so we came off, just before the tide forced us off. AndyW had a little bump with the sand bar just after we came off.
We came home and had some lunch, and I fell asleep in front of the tele in the afternoon.
We have just had a BBQ and a couple of beers and I am looking forward to an early night.
Toys Used:
F2 Phoenix 320
Bic Astro Rock 
Tushingham 5SC 5.7
Tushingham 5SC 5.0



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